[BreachExchange] Click2mail Hacked – Hackers Starts Sending Spam Emails To Stolen Email Address of Users

Destry Winant destry at riskbasedsecurity.com
Wed Oct 16 10:06:04 EDT 2019


Famous Email service provider Click2mail suffering from a massive data
breach that leaked their customer sensitive personal information, and
the attackers used the stolen email addresses to send spam emails.

October 4th, 2019, Click2Mail learned that their customer’s data were
being used by unknown parties who have abused the customer’s email
address to send the massive spam emails to Click2Mail customers.

Attackers may have been stolen Click2Mail customer personal
information, including name, organization name, account mailing
address, email address, and phone number.

Since Click2Mail does not store any credit card data, there is no
financial data involvement with this breach.

The breach was initially reported by a former customer of Click2Mail
to databreaches(.)net in which, he added the information about the
suspicion that Click2Mail may have been hacked, sprung a leak, or
shared their data with some firm that hadn’t protected it properly.

According to the Click2mail report via Databreaches(.)net, ” A
professional cybersecurity firm has been retained to conduct a full
forensic review and analysis of our IT systems and security protocols.
Our goal is to assure that our systems are as secure as possible to
protect your personal information and mailing data.  “

President and CEO of Click2Mail said ”  that slightly more than
200,000 Click2Mail.com registrants will be receiving notifications,
which will be sent out in segments, not all at once. Garvey also
explained that prior to receiving this site’s email inquiry, they had
received an email from a helpful customer who had used a tagged email
address and was getting spam.  “

Click2Mail advised all their users that don’t respond to any
suspicious emails or click on any active links contained in messages
sent by unknown senders.

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