[BreachExchange] Cybersecurity Is Every Executive’s Job

Audrey McNeil audrey at riskbasedsecurity.com
Tue Sep 13 19:19:19 EDT 2016


All companies connected to the internet are vulnerable to cyber attacks.
And the potential losses are significant. Retail giant Target, for example,
estimated its losses from a 2013 data breach at more than $250 million.
What’s more, according to a recent survey conducted for BAE Systems of 300
managers in the financial services, insurance, and IT/tech industries in
the U.S., 85% of respondents listed reputational damage as the most
prominent result of a data breach, with 74% citing legal liability as the
second largest concern.

Liability for data breaches that affect customers leads directly to the
C-suite. Executives need to personally know how strong their company’s
cyber defenses are, as well as the expected responses for attacks or
breaches. But according to the survey, 40% admitted that they lacked a
clear understanding of the cybersecurity protocols within their
organizations. This should be an urgent wake-up call to executives that
cybersecurity needs to be taken seriously throughout the organization.

Executives should start by understanding what protocols they currently have
in place — and where they fall short. An annual security assessment is
thought to be a best practice to prevent data breaches. If performed
correctly, the security assessment reveals the residual risk — the number
and scale of attacks that are likely to get through. If the residual risk
is acceptable, then an annual review may be sufficient. However, if the
residual risk is concerning, then a semiannual or even quarterly review may
not be enough. This, of course, shifts the discussion to what level of
residual risk is acceptable, depending on your company.

In many ways, this risk assessment reflects the new reality of
cybersecurity. In a fast-moving, hyper-connected world, the approach needs
to be dynamic rather than static. For example, a dynamic approach would be
to schedule two annual reviews with two different vendors and stagger them
by six months. In doing so, a company can cut in half the average time a
successful attack goes undetected, rather than relying on annual reviews.
Extending this model so that assessments are quarterly or “on demand” in
response to predetermined events — or even random checks against known
threats — are other alternatives.

But reviews and assessments aren’t enough. The best and most effective
means for senior executives to guarantee change is to establish a solid
working relationship with the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO).
CISOs today are called upon to help business executives understand cyber
risk and to implement the right security controls while promoting a culture
of defense. Our research found that nine out of 10 CISOs are now connected
directly to their company’s top leadership team, and half of them are
directly on the team. Strengthening the role of the CISO to drive this
initiative is an encouraging trend, but executives need to engage these
CISOs proactively to see real results throughout the organization.

While the CISO will identify risks and prioritize security protocols, it is
incumbent on senior executives to understand and carry out the procedures
across the business — to the most-vulnerable points of entry for cyber
criminals. Executives must sponsor the CISO’s threat assessments and review
the results together. The CISO should be included on new business
initiatives early on so that security is baked in rather than bolted on
afterward. In fact, the best practice is to have the CISO work with each
team to determine ways to reach goals in the most secure fashion, and then
executives must hold their people accountable for risks and flaws
identified by the CISO.

What’s more, executives should help promote the importance of security
within the organization, starting with better education and training.
Companies should train midlevel and junior staff on cybersecurity more
frequently to reinforce defensive behaviors. Our research found that only
38% of companies conduct training on a quarterly or biannual basis; the
rest train annually or even less frequently. Additionally, most training
only gives employees a 25% chance of successfully recognizing a cyber
attack one month later. Executives should make it their prerogative to
improve these training programs in order to reduce the likelihood of a
successful penetration beyond the one-month mark. Training should include
role playing, scripts that mimic real life attacks, and testing to assess

Defending against attacks is now a permanent part of senior executives’ job
descriptions. It’s no longer enough to leave cybersecurity to annual
reviews or a lone CISO. Senior executives must understand what procedures
are in place and ensure that everyone in the organization understands
protocol and takes accountability. But most of all, they need to establish
the right partnership with the CISO so that security is a part of every
company initiative, not an afterthought.
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