[BreachExchange] 6 Ways to Improve Your Incident Response Plan for GDPR

Audrey McNeil audrey at riskbasedsecurity.com
Tue Apr 17 18:49:24 EDT 2018


The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which is effective May 25,
2018, requires notification to European regulators within 72 hours of the
discovery of many types of data breaches. This deadline requires speed and
organization that no other jurisdiction currently requires, especially in
the United States. Organizations that hold personal data of EU residents
and do not have an incident response plan should promptly develop one so
they can comply with the GDPR’s requirements.

But what if you already have a plan? It likely does not have key elements
needed to comply with the GDPR’s requirements, including the accelerated
timeline. We pose six key questions that highlight recommended areas to
review, revise and test before GDPR becomes effective in May.

1. What is an “incident”?

Many incident response plans are triggered when data has been accessed or
acquired without authorization—those incidents that traditionally required
notification or signal corporate espionage. But GDPR goes beyond that.
Companies must be prepared to evaluate, respond to, and document all
incidents that involve "accidental or unlawful destruction, loss,
alteration, unauthorized disclosure of, or access to” personal data.
Destruction, loss, and alteration now need to be on your radar and trigger
your incident response process. Note that even temporary loss, such as
during a ransomware attack where data is later restored from backup, is
considered a breach under this definition and must be treated accordingly.

Also check that your plan is not limited to incidents involving
“unencrypted” data (the concern of many U.S. state laws). Under GDPR an
incident that involves encrypted data is still a “data breach” that must be
documented, even if there is no reason to believe that data itself was

2. How fast do you move?

Controllers must report security incidents that involve personal data of EU
residents (unless exceptions apply) to data protection authorities as soon
as possible and not later than 72 hours. Processors must also promptly
report breaches to their controllers—and the controllers then have the same
72-hour period to evaluate the incident to determine if they must report to
the supervisory authority. These thresholds are considerably more strict
than any U.S. jurisdictions, or any other jurisdictions that previously had
requirements worldwide, and will require careful planning in order to meet.

In order to make these notifications effectively—and understand if you must
make them at all—your plan needs to allow for quick escalation and decision
making. Issues to consider include the following:

- How quickly does an incident go from detection to analysis?
- Does your plan identify 24-hour contact information for key incident
response team members, and their backups?
- Does your investigatory lead have the tools to quickly vet and
investigate incident reports concerning the most likely types of incidents
to hit your organization?
- Do you know who on your team will analyze the legal notification
requirements, decide whether notification is required and draft the
- If your plan operates differently depending on the significance of the
incident, will small and relatively lower risk incidents get the attention
they need to make a report in 72 hours?
- How quickly can you determine where affected individuals live (and
therefore what legal regime will apply to your notice)?

3. What personal data triggers notification?

In the United States, an incident triggers notification only if certain
specific types of personal data are implicated. Many of these information
types—social security numbers, financial account numbers, passwords—are
often segregated from other data. It can therefore often be fairly easy to
determine promptly whether those types of information are involved and
notice is required.

But GDPR regulates all personal data—all data concerning an identified or
identifiable individual. Any incident involving personal data, from names
to IP addresses to nationality to national ID numbers, is a data breach
under the regulation. Only those incidents that might cause harm to data
subjects must be disclosed, but all incidents must be tracked and analyzed.

Review the portion of your plan that addresses notification, and analyze
how team members identify incidents as potentially triggering notice.
Ensure that incidents are not excluded from the identification process
based on the types of personal data that may have been exposed, without
reference to the residence of the data subjects.

4. What do you need to know to make a notice decision?

Under GDPR, it is critically important to understand as quickly as possible
the incident and its potential impact. This is not just a question of
acting quickly, as described above, but also ensuring that the incident
response team looks for the right kinds of information.

Regulators must be notified unless an incident is “unlikely to result in a
risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons.” This is a wide-ranging
inquiry, but it should take into account whether the data was encrypted or
otherwise protected, the volume of data exposed, the type of data and data
subjects involved, and the potential consequences of the incident. As a
result, to the extent your plan highlights key questions, ensure that the
list is comprehensive enough to support a GDPR-style risk analysis.

5. Whom should you notify?

If you are processing another company’s data, GDPR requires you to tell
that company about the incident as soon as possible, and the company’s
72-hour reporting clock will start to run as soon as you report the
incident. While processors commonly have an obligation to tell the
controller of an incident (this is an obligation under U.S. state laws, as
well as commonly in contracts), controllers must be able to reliably
receive, assess and act on these reports more quickly than ever before.

Under the GDPR, a controller must notify the regulatory authority, not the
affected individuals, first. Moreover, unlike in the United States, where
the test for notifying a regulator is whether individuals in a given state
are being notified, the GDPR expects that there will be situations where a
regulator must be notified but individuals need not be: EU regulators must
be notified of all security incidents unless harm to the data subjects is
unlikely,  while the data subjects themselves must be notified only if the
incident is likely to result in a high risk to the rights and freedoms of
data subjects.

If your plan has a section regarding specific legal requirements and
contacts, GDPR requirements need to be added. In addition, check for any
assumptions within the rest of the plan regarding how notice will proceed
and to whom to ensure your plan covers your potential GDPR obligations.

6. Are you recording all breaches?

Under GDPR, data controllers must document each data breach, its effects
and remediation, regardless of whether the controller reports it to the
supervisory authority. In other words, all incidents that affect personal
data must be documented, in a form that can later be demonstrated to a
regulator. Thus, not only must the incident-reporting funnel ensure that
all incidents are covered by the incident-response process, but the outcome
of each incident must be an entry in the ongoing record. This entry should
reflect the final outcome of the investigation, rather than the
investigative record itself.

GDPR becomes effective on May 25, 2018. Its penalties for noncompliance can
be severe. Given the quick action required under the new regime, companies
are well served to review their incident response plans and related
procedures now.
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